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Horsefeathers in Horticulture

Starve a cold and feed a fever. Don’t cross your eyes too long or they’ll get stuck that way. Always wait thirty minutes after eating before swimming. Drinking coffee in adolescence will stunt your growth. Shaved hairs grow back thicker. Unless you were raised by wolves, you’ve likely heard at least one of these admonitions growing up. Perhaps some of you are even guilty of perpetuating these and other old wives’ tales when raising your own children!

Captivating Carnivorous Plants

Precocious pitcher plants, seductive sundews and the vivacious, yet vicious Venus fly traps use their alluring bodies to entice their naive guests into a romantic dinner for two. But there’ll be no walk along the beach after this malicious meal. For the carnivorous plant, its date is the main course in this tale of summer love. These carnivorous plants have broken out of their winter dormancy and are ready for the summer sun. They grow in bog conditions of moist soil and pure rainwater and soak up hot, sunny locations. They will charm you with bright colors and striking patterns, resprouting and returning every summer. Not to worry, this summer fling won’t break your heart.

We’re Not in Kansas Anymore

In 1900, L. Frank Baum wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This classic tells the story of a young girl, Dorothy, entering a strange magical world where she must rely on the… Read More »

Papaver nudicaule: Iceland Poppies

Papaver nudicaule is the Latin name for the Iceland poppy. The Latin genus Papaver means ‘poppy’ while the Latin specific epithet nudicaule means ‘with bare stems.’ Other common names include… Read More »

A Real Catch: The Newport Harbor Lady Anglers

…When a woman is serious about fishing, watch out… In 1949, eleven women established the Newport Harbor Lady Anglers to create opportunities for women to practice their fishing skills and to meet other women with similar interests, at a time when fishing clubs were male-only organizations. Founding member Clara Keeler said they created the club because female fishing enthusiasts were growing discontent that their husbands went on fishing trips that women were not permitted to partake in.

Santa Ana: The Heart of Orange County

It is that time of year when Valentine’s Day decorations and advertising pop-up everywhere and the old tradition of exchanging hearts begins. The heart, as a symbol, has been used for many other types of advertising. Interestingly many cities have described their cities as having “heart.” Remember, the “I Love NY” slogan? Well, as a matter of fact, at one time in Orange County, the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce also used a heart to define their city.