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Conservatory Renovations

Anyone that has lived in Orange County can appreciate the modulating effect that the ocean has on our climate, suppressing summer temperatures and elevating winter temperatures. Unsurprisingly, many plants are fond of our mild climate too. However, there are plants in our collection like the coconut palm that simply will not grow outdoors in our climate. These plants, which are often tropical in origin, are grown inside our glass conservatory which affords us greater control over both temperature and humidity through the use of industrial heating units and aerial misting systems. Originally installed in the early 2000’s, the existing heating and misting systems were falling into disrepair, creating conditions resulting in the deaths of more than a few plants over the years. This state of disrepair prompted an extended closure of the conservatory from February to April of this year for a total overhaul of these systems. Renovations included the installation of advanced sensors and software that allow staff to monitor and manipulate temperature and humidity remotely while also giving us the ability to open and close vents running along the top of the conservatory in response to local weather conditions. We are excited to report the renovations are now complete and the conservatory is once again open to visitors. So, on your next visit to Sherman Library and Gardens expect to see new plantings in this section as these updates broaden the palette of plants that it is possible for us to grow!