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Local high school students make light work of a big task…

Community Service Visit from TVT Community Day School Students

Last week we were visited by students from TVT Community Day School, Irvine, and their teachers Mrs. Bracha and Mr.Sardo. As part of their High School Day of Service they assisted our Horticulture Team to clear and prepare a new garden bed on Dahlia Ave.

After a tour of the garden, and some coaching from our staff on safety and shovel technique, the High Schoolers set to work and had the job done in record time. Pulling up existing plants is hard, hot work and the team really benefited from the students’ help and enthusiasm. They also learnt about the importance of weeding and mulching and worked to prepare the ground for the new planting.

One of the Tarbut V’Torah school values is ‘Tikkun olam’ which in Hebrew means ‘Repairing, or Healing, the World’. They believe that charity begins at home and that to start the new academic year with a day of service to the community sets the right tone for the months ahead.

One of the students commented, ‘I don’t get to do much gardening, so it was nice to get the opportunity to do so. I enjoyed tearing out plants a lot more than I’d expected. Thank you for the wonderful experience.’

All the students were given a free Family Ticket to the garden so that they can come back to see the new garden bed in all its glory in a few weeks’ time.