We hope you will join us for Sherman Library & Garden’s 5th Annual Newport Beach Summer Garden Party to be held on Saturday, August 3, 2024 from 4-7pm.
Enjoy a delicious light supper from 608 Dahlia restaurant. Dine, stroll the gardens, enter the raffle and silent auctions and enjoy live music in the central garden.
Come wearing your favorite garden party hat and enter the hat contest. Prizes will be awarded in various categories!
Proceeds from the Newport Beach Summer Garden Party will benefit Sherman Library & Gardens Habitat Explorer. This program provides free bussing and field trips to Sherman Gardens elementary school students in Orange County.
This event is sold out.
Special thanks to:
We are so grateful to our generous sponsors!
Camelia Sponsor
William Corkett
Palm Sponsor
Mayor Will O’Neill
Samuel Ingardia
Tiare Meegan
Barbara Belveal
Foxglove Sponsor
Susan Livingston
Karen Noonan
Tulip Sponsor
Wendy E. Isbell
Nancy Smith
Diana Perreira
Entertainment Sponsor
Kay Azuma & Robert Chavez
Dessert Sponsor
Sandy Fainbarg
Sponsorship and Underwriting Opportunities
Sponsorship and Underwriting of the Newport Beach Summer Garden Party supports Sherman Library & Gardens education programs. Proceeds will benefit programs like our Habitat Explorers which provides free bussing and field trips to Sherman Gardens for elementary school students in Orange County. Our children’s education programs are designed to help children develop a lifetime appreciation for nature.
Please review the following sponsorship and underwriting levels and consider making a personal or corporate tax-deductible contribution today.
There is much excitement ahead, and we look forward to seeing you on August 3, 2024.

Supper: $10,000
Advertising: $2,000
Printing & Postage: $2,500
Dessert: $1500
Music & Entertainment: $2,500
Party Rentals: $1,000