Central Garden Display Plant List

Central Garden Display Plant List

Comprised of seasonal plantings, perennial borders, and collections-oriented displays, the Central Garden welcomes visitors with dynamic designs of color, texture, and form, while featuring a number of our Camellias and various palms. 

Anthriscus cerefolium 'Vertissimo'

Family Name: Apiaceae  
Common Name: Chervil

Antirrhinum majus 'Snaptastic Red'

Family Name: Plantaginaceae
Common Name: Snaptastic Red Snapdragon

Bellis perennis ‘Galaxy Red’

Family Name: Asteraceae
Common Name: Galaxy Red English Daisy

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwoodii'

Family Name: Cupressaceae
Common Name: False Cypress

Cordyline fruticosa 'Glauca'

Family Name: Asparagaceae
Common Name: Ti Plant 

Cyclamen persicum

Family Name: Primulaceae
Common Name: Mini Red Cyclamen

Dianthus barbatus

Family Name: Caryophyllaceae
Common Name: Sweet William

Dianthus x hybrida ‘Cherry Crush’

Family Name: Caryophyllaceae
Common Name: Cherry Crush Carnation

Pelargonium x hortorum

Family Name: Geraniaceae
Common Name: Zonal Geranium

Petroselinum crispum

Family Name: Apiaceae
Common Name: Curled Parsley

Petunia x hybrida

Family Name: Solanaceae
Common Name: Burgundy Grandiflora Petunia

Thuja plicata ‘Emerald Cone’

Family Name: Cupressaceae
Common Name: Western Red Cedar