Booking Inquiries Please fill out the following form, and we will confirm your dates and the school’s eligibility for support. Name of School* School District* Grade Level Attending* Number of Classes*Total Number of Students*Total Number of Adults (Teachers/Chaperones)*Name of School Contact (for Booking)* Email* Phone Number of School Contact (For Booking)*Day of Visit Contact Details: Name* Day of Visit Contact Details: Phone Number*Proposed Date of Field Trip (Monday or Tuesday)* MM slash DD slash YYYY I am interested in applying for a scholarship for a field trip free of charge.* Yes No I am interested in applying for a bus subsidy to reimburse the cost of student transportation.* Yes No Does your school receive Title 1 funding?* Yes No Estimated number of buses required.*123Estimated cost of transportation (per bus)*EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.