Presented by Coastal Bonsai
Saturday, June 1 and Sunday, June 2
10:30 am – 4 pm
Come and learn about the art of bonsai. The show will include a display of exquisite miniature trees presented by Coastal Bonsai and introduce visitors to a variety of techniques and approaches. Following the ancient Japanese tradition, the trees are intended to replicate the character of old trees found in nature using trees or shrubs grown in containers. Find out more about the art of dwarfing and reshaping the gifts of nature into a living art object.
This group of bonsai enthusiasts is dedicated to sharing their skills and to inspiring the next generation or growers. Members of Coastal Bonsai will be available during the show to give advice and information, including giving talks and workshops.
Saturday, June 1 at 1:30 pm
Talk: Bonsai… Plants and Trees other than Pine and Juniper.
Join Ken Schlothan and broaden your understanding of the art of Bonsai. Exhibits are held at nearly any time of year and range in size from a few trees exhibited by local hobbyists to arguably the world’s premier bonsai exhibit, Kokufu-ten in Japan.
But what makes a bonsai? Most people when asked to name a type of bonsai they expect to see at an exhibit would respond, “Pine”. A great response without question, undoubtedly the marquee tree for bonsai, but not the only type of plant or tree that can be used to create a bonsai.
In this talk, we will take a look at a number of other types of plants and trees that can be used to create bonsai from herbs (e.g. rosemary) to tropical flowering plants (ex. bougainvillea), from ornamentals (e.g. boxwood) to shade trees (e.g. oak and sycamore) to many others that can be found as close as in your yard or neighborhood! You may be surprised to find that you already have bonsai-ready plants and trees at your home! Drop-in. Free with Garden Admission.
Sunday, June 2 at 11:30 am
Demonstration: Shohin Bonsai
You may never have wondered what a shohin bonsai looks like, but after you hear Peter Macasieb, shohin bonsai master, you will wonder at these delightful, diminutive treasures of the bonsai world. Peter studied under Harry Hiro, Tak Shimazu and Boon Manakitivipart and has demonstrated internationally. Peter will have a variety of his shohin to present and discuss as well as a full formal shohin display in the Coastal Bonsai Club show. Drop In. Free with Garden Admission.