Queens Corner Plant List
Queens Corner, an extension of the Central Garden, features a collection of iconic queen palms (Syagrus romanzoffiana) surrounded by a garden inspired by edible plants that offer ornamental qualities.

Citrus australasica
Family Name: Rutaceae
Common Name: Finger Lime

Dianthus ‘Early Love’
Family Name: Caryophyllaceae
Common Name: Early Love Dianthus

Mangifera indica ‘Angie’
Family Name: Anacardiaceae
Common Name: Angie Dwarf Mango

Musa species
Family Name: Musaceae
Common Name: Banana

Ravenala madagascariensis
Family Name: Strelitziaceae
Common Name: Traveler’s Palm

Saurauia madrensis
Family Name: Actinidiaceae
Common Name: Saurauia Berry

Strelitzia juncea
Family Name: Strelitziaceae
Common Name: Narrow-leaved Bird of Paradise

Thymus fragrantissimus
Family Name: Lamiaceae
Common Name: French Thyme