Mediterranean Climates Garden Plant List

Mediterranean Climates Garden Plant List

The Mediterranean Basin, Southwest Australia, South Africa, Central Chile, and Coastal Southern California make up the Mediterranean climates of the world, having hot, dry summers and wetter, mild winters.  The Mediterranean Climates Garden features plants from these regions, to include species native to Southern California, geophytes, proteas, and other plants adapted to the Mediterranean climate.

Arctotis ‘Pink Sugar’

Family Name: Asteraceae
Common Name: African Daisy

Adenanthos sericeus

Family Name: Proteaceae
Common Name: Wooly Bush
Provenance: Australia

Artemisia mauiensis ‘Makana Silver’

Family Name: Asteraceae
Common Name: Maui Wormwood

Athanasia acerosa

Family Name: Asteraceae
Common Name: Coulter Bush
Provenance: South Africa

Calothamnus quadrifidus

Family Name: Myrtaceae
Common Name: One-sided Bottlebrush
Provenance: South Africa

Cantua buxifolia

Family Name: Polemoniaceae
Common Name: Flower of the Incas

Ceonothus ‘Dark Star’

Family Name: Rhamnaceae
Common Name: California Lilac

Chondropetalum tectorum ‘El Campo’

Family Name: Restionaceae
Common Name: Cape Rush

Diplacus ‘Jelly Bean’

Family Name: Phrymaceae
Common Name: Sticky Monkey Flower

Dorycnium hirsutum

Family Name: Fabaceae
Common Name: Hairy Canary Clover
Provenance: Mediterranean Basin

Dyckia ‘Alice’

Family Name: Bromeliaceae
Common Name: Dyckia

Echium wildpretii

Family Name: Boraginaceae
Common Name: Tower of Jewels
Provenance: Canary Islands

Eschscholzia californica ‘Copper Pot’

Family Name: Papaveraceae
Common Name: Copper Pot California Poppy

Euphorbia lambii

Family Name: Euphorbiaceae
Common Name: Tree Euphorbia
Provenance: Canary Islands

Iris x pacifica ‘Native Warrior’

Family Name: Iridaceae
Common Name: Pacific Coast Iris

Leucadendron ‘Jester’

Family Name: Proteaceae
Common Name; Sunshine Conebush

Leucospermum cordifolium

Family Name: Proteaceae
Common Name: Nodding Pincushion
Provenance: South Africa

Leucospermum cordifolium

Family Name: Proteaceae
Common Name: Pincushion Flower

Lewisia cotyledon

Family Name: Montiaceae
Common Name: Siskiyou Lewisia
Provenance: California and Oregon

Lobelia excelsa

Family Name: Campanulaceae
Common Name: Devil’s Tobacco
Provenance: Chile

Ozothamnus diosmifolius

Family Name: Asteraceae
Common Name: Pink Rice Flower
Provenance: Australia

Pimelea ferruginea

Family Name: Asteraceae
Common Name; Pink Rice Flower
Provenance: Australia

Protea ‘Pink Ice’

Family Name: Proteaceae
Common Name: Pincushion Flower

Sonchus palmensis

Family Name: Asteraceae
Common Name: La Palma Sow Thistle
Provenance: Canary Islands