Junior Gardeners Summer Camp | Frequently Asked Questions

Registration & Refunds

Registration and payment for the Junior Gardeners Summer Camp must be completed online. Full payment is required at the time of registration to reserve the child’s space. Due to limited space, refunds will not be given. Participants may sign up for one or both  of the weekly camps. There will be no refund of fees for any days a child cannot attend.

Age Guidelines

Junior  Gardeners Summer Camp is for children ages 7 to 11 years old.

Hours of Operations

Dates for 2023 Camp:

Week 1: Monday 26 – Thursday 29 June

Week 2: Monday 10 – Thursday 13 July

Junior Gardeners Summer Camp hours are 9:00 am-12:00 pm.

8.45 – 9.00am                       Drop off at Library Courtyard via the South Entrance

12.00 – 12.15pm                     Pick up from Library Courtyard

Please do not drop off your child prior to the start time of camp.


Sherman Library & Gardens

2647 East Coast Highway

Corona del Mar, CA 92625


Pick-up & Drop-off Procedures

Children need to arrive between 8:45-9:00 am and must be picked between 12:00-12:15 pm. Parents or guardians must park their vehicle and walk their child into the Library Courtyard using the South Gate Entrance and sign the child into the Camp.

Free parking is available in the Sherman Parking Lots.

Late Pick-up Policy

Repeated late pick-ups may result in the removal of the participant from the program, with no refund for prepaid programs.

Medical Needs/Allergies

The Sherman Library & Gardens are not permitted to administer medication to program participants. In the event of a medical emergency, Sherman Library & Gardens will administer first aid, CPR, and rescue in the best interest of the child. Parents will be contacted if care is administered. Allergy medications may be administered if directed in writing by the child’s parent/guardian.

Special Circumstances

Parents and guardians are required to inform the Sherman Library & Gardens in writing of any special circumstances which may affect the child’s ability to participate fully and within the guidelines of acceptable behavior, including, but not limited to, any serious behavioral problems or special circumstances regarding psychological, medical, or physical conditions. Once the notice is submitted, a conference will be scheduled with the parent/guardian to discuss the special circumstances and whether the Sherman can accommodate the circumstances.


Children must bring a snack and a drink in a non-glass container each day. Snacks should be in a paper, plastic, or reusable bag clearly labeled with the child’s name.

COVID Precautions

Mask wearing is optional for children and camp staff. Almost all activities take place outdoors.

Dress Code

Children should dress appropriately for the activities scheduled. Clothing may get dirty.

Personal Belongings

Please put the child’s name on all articles of clothing, snack bags, bags, etc. Children should not bring toys, mobile phones, electronic devices, jewelry, money, or any possession of value with them. Children will be responsible for their belongings.

Sunscreen/Insect Repellent

Please apply sunscreen and insect repellent prior to the start of each camp session. Children may bring sunscreen and insect repellent but must be able to reapply with staff supervision. Spray or mist sunscreen and/or insect repellent are recommended. Sunscreen and/or insect repellent must be labeled with the child’s name. Children may not share these items with others.

Behavior Management/Discipline Policy

Sherman Library & Gardens staff will create a fun and safe environment for participants in the program. Praise and positive reinforcement are used as effective methods of behavior management. Children who do not respond to these methods or who are destructive to others or to property will be dealt with in a professional, positive, and timely manner to correct the behavior. The following procedures will be followed for behavior management. All incident reports will be discussed privately with parents/guardians and a copy of each report will be kept on file at the Sherman Library & Gardens.

  1. In the event a child’s behavior is a repeated behavior and cannot be corrected by the Sherman Library & Gardens Staff with a verbal warning or other form of behavior modification, a first incident report will be written to document and correct behavior. A copy of the report will be given to the parent/guardian the same day as the incident.
  2. A second incident report will be written if the behavior is repeated by or new behavior problems occur with the same child. This report will follow the same process as the first, but a one or two- day suspension could accompany this report, and no refund will be provided for suspended days. A copy of the report will be given to the parent/guardian the same day as the second incident.
  3. A third incident report will be completed using the same process as the first two. The Sherman Library & Gardens staff will write this report. Staff will provide this report to the parent/guardian. Incident reports will be discussed privately with a parent/guardian by a Sherman Library & Gardens staff and Director. Dismissal from a program can occur at this time.

NOTE: Immediate dismissal from the program can occur at any time given severe circumstances. Refunds for missed days due to a discipline dismissal will not be granted.


Catherine Dickinson, Education Director, February 2023