Home / Impact Story / Sian Poeschl

Sian Poeschl

Sian Poeschl, artist, smiling at the Sherman Library & Gardens

“I had heard about an Early California Impressionist Collection that the Sherman Library & Gardens owned and wanted to see the Anna Hills and Frank Cuprien paintings. I was astounded by my $5.00 entry fee to have unparalleled access to these nationally acclaimed art works. Anna Hills was part of a group of citizens who helped establish Laguna Beach as a City, so as a resident I was excited to see the work. As an artist it was even more meaningful that in establishing the Sherman Library, funds had been invested into the Arts.

I am relatively new to the Sherman Library & Garden’s experience. I would drive past and wonder what was behind the walls. I am glad to be getting to know the organization, the staff and volunteers a little better. It’s a positive, nurturing organization that deserves everyone’s support. It’s a real gem in the crown of Corona del Mar and for the Southern California community to enjoy.

Sherman Library & Gardens reminds me of the tardis in Dr. Who. You are not sure what is behind the doors, but when you walk through them you enter an expansive world of botanicals, art, fantastic food and really great people. It has found a really special place in my heart.”