Sherman Library & Gardens

Fern Grotto Plant List

Fern Grotto Plant List

Often requiring deep shade, ferns flourish under the lathe-work inside the Gardens’ south entrance.  Specimens of this ancient group of plants from around the world grow in the Fern Grotto, alongside prehistoric cycads.  

Athyrium niponicum ‘Pictum’

Family Name: Athyriaceae
Common Name: Japanese Painted Fern

Davallia canariensis

Family Name: Davalliaceae
Common Name: Deer’s Foot Fern

Dioon edule

Family Name: Zamiaceae
Common Name: Palma de la Virgen

Encephalartos ferox

Family Name: Zamiaceae
Common Name: Maputaland Cycad

Macrozamia moorei

Family Name: Zamiaceae
Common Name: Moore’s Cycad

Microsorum musifolium ‘Crocodyllus’

Family Name: Polypodiaceae
Common Name: Crocodile Fern

Platycerium superbum

Family Name: Polypodiaceae
Common Name: Staghorn Fern

Pteris cretica

Family Name: Polypodiaceae
Common Name: Ribbon Fern

Pyrrosia sheareri

Family Name: Polypodiaceae
Common Name: Shearer’s Felt Fern

Zamia furfuracea

Family Name: Zamiaceae
Common Name: Cardboard Palm