View our full calendar of events and classes here.
Sherman Library & Gardens offers an inspired line-up of classes and events every month for you to enjoy! With offerings ranging from wellness workshops and children’s activities, to floral design classes, lectures in the library, and plant shows, there is something for everyone to experience.
Bromeliad Show and Sale
Join the Saddleback Bromeliad Society for a weekend celebration of bromeliads. On display will be striking patterns and colors of both foliage and flowers. The show will showcase varieties in the different genera, as well as unusual plants not readily found at your local nursery. Sales are brisk, so make sure to come early to... Read More »
Talk & Demonstration: Introduction to Bromeliads
Discover where bromeliads thrive in their native habitat. Learn how to culture and care for these unique plants. Propagation, media and potting, and mounting on different substrates will all be covered. Free with garden admission.