We offer a variety of arts and garden based educational opportunities for children of all ages. Our Gardens are a living laboratory of exploration and creative inspiration. They are a place for children to come and have fun! We host an extensive Children’s Garden Program.
The program provides children of all ages with the opportunity to play with and learn from our plants. We provide the space, the equipment, and the supervision. We help children with their creativity and encourage them to develop a natural connection with the plants.
We believe in the power of plants and gardens to promote health, well-being, and good feelings. We also believe in the importance of planting in your community. The more gardens in your community, the greater the health benefits for the whole community.
Whether children are enjoying the creativity and mindfulness of our peaceful painting workshop, creating a DIY project to take home or learning about gardening on a school field trip Sherman Library & Gardens can help to educate the next generation of historians, horticulturalists and artists.